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software developer skills

Who is a software developer?

Software developer skills are the basic requirements that enable a developer to create new or improve existing software. They build and design software by writing codes for applications and operating systems. They work alongside development tools to create working software. They use procedures and phases that act as their mapping route towards a specific goal.

What is the qualification to become a software developer?

To be a certified software developer, you must earn a bachelor’s degree in computer science software engineering or any related field. The coursework takes four years in a recognized institution. This is not all you need to be a good software developer since the required skills are practical. It takes a while to acquire these skill sets and concepts due to their diversity. What do you know about software developer skills?

Understanding software developer skills concepts

Software development is the art of analyzing data, interpreting it into algorithms, and using the data to create functioning software. The starting point to completing a software project requires an organized workflow with the required skills.

Software developer skills are the driving components of a good developer. With the application of the right techniques, it becomes easy to achieve fruitful results. Whether a new developer or an advanced one, developer skills are necessary. What skills are needed for a Software Developer?

1. Coding Skills 

Is coding hard to learn? You might be asking yourself this if you are new in the industry. Coding is an expertise skill that requires your time and mind. To become good at this skill, you have to work on it frequently. As for your coding practicals to grow, foundational concepts are the best place to start when learning the simple basics of codes. Pick one programming language you wish to learn and identify its syntax.

Find out the best sources of information about your choice of programming language. There are places to learn more, for instance, books, tutorials, videos, courses, etc. As you acquire knowledge, try practicing what you are learning. There are available tools for practice depending on the language at stake.

A software developer coding skills are the basic engineering elementary structures a developer applies in writing executable programs that build a working system. They should understand coding concepts, structures, and frameworks when writing programs and organize the algorithms correctly. 

There are different types of programming languages to study with similar coding concepts. Depending on the type of software developed, the coding paradigms may differ across different languages. What are the categories of programming languages?

         Categories of Programming Languages

(i) Procedural languages: 

When coding under this category of programming languages, there is a specific format in which you arrange your codes. Divide your program into sections that perform different tasks depending on their call-out.

These sections have functions applied to codes while in use. The divided blocks are re-usable with pre-defined procedures to allow the developer to call it out without writing the actual algorithms.

The systematic flow of commands consisting of functions and statements execute on the data and variables applied to carry out a certain task. The control structures allow a software developer to control the course of implementation depending on the priorities they put in place.

Examples of procedural programming languages include:

  • Pascal
  • C and C++
  • Java
(ii) Functional languages:

Functional programming language is a paradigm for executing written codes through expressions and functions. In this category, the state and data a software developer uses should not duplicate at any point.

Codes executed under this type of language are bug-free. Mathematic functions perform well under functional programming languages due to conditional expression computation abilities.

Their unique ability by independent units to run codes concurrently makes their programs efficient. Codes designed under their criteria are reusable, easily tested and functions return results. Examples here include:

  • Scala
  • Erlang
  • F#
(iii) Object-Oriented Programming Languages:

Object-oriented programming is a style of program consisting of objects. This type of language carries out programs in objects consisting of data and elements. OOP programming writes complex programs since the code is reusable.

Object oriented programming languages codes reflect real-life entities, and the best part about this type of language is that it is easy to execute, modify, and maintain. They function by binding data and tasks into objects and executing them according to their defined approach.

Examples include:

  • Java
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
(iv) Scripting Languages:

Scripting programming languages are not compiled and executed like other languages. Software developers write scripting languages to interpret and implement one command at a time. Programmers and developers use these languages to bring new application features or link complex systems with other coding languages.

When running, scripting languages convert into machine codes for execution. When designing dynamic web apps, use scripting languages to get desired results.

Areas where scripting languages are applied.

  • Many web applications consist of server-side and client-side, depending on their operations. The desired functions of these sides are achievable when using scripting languages.
  • Another area where we use scripting languages is constructing plugins. Plugins bring additional functions to a web application with other desired extensions.

Examples of scripting languages include:

  • Ruby
  • Bash
  • Node Js
  • Python

2. Problem-Solving

Designing and developing systems cannot miss a problem-solving challenge for it to operate. A problem-solving task can be a market opportunity, a manual operation that is a liability, and other forms.

The software will also have problems even after being operational. Miscommunication, broken codes, and other malfunctioning issues are examples that software developers come across while testing.

Problem-solving is one of the software developer skills required by a developer to achieve expected results. A good software developer should identify a software problem and solve it effectively.

The end goal of any software project is to meet the required solution put in place. Lacking this skill makes a developer incomplete and in need.

To be good at this skill as a software developer, you should be creative, become a clinical thinker, and make effective decisions. Consistency in innovative ideas should not be a problem at all, as it comes with experience.

Tackling software problems requires a clinical approach, which is breaking down the challenge into smaller portions. Handling the challenge bit by bit is more effective and strategic.

A wise software developer will find this approach manageable and create suitable algorithms representing each portion. With each section put into codes well and correctly, the chances of solving the whole problem are high.

To achieve the desired results when applying problem-solving skills as a developer, use the steps below.

  • Identify the problem

    Identifying a problem is the first step software engineers use in handling challenges. It can be a bug in the software, a functioning gap, or a specific issue raised by end users.

  • Understanding the problem
    Describing the problem and involving all involved parties is the second crucial step. Getting a clear picture of how and why the problem occurs puts you in a better situation of solving it.

    At this point, you should be able to realize the affected lines of code in your compiler.

  • Research on the problem

    Researching the problem is the best way to learn more about the issue. A developer will find the solutions put in place by engineers who came across a similar issue. Since every software problem is unique, a programmer will pick the most suitable implementation.

  • Implementation

    After picking the best approach, a developer writes the correct codes to handle the problem. Implementing the chosen concept alerts the developer on its credibility. At this phase, the chosen idea should meet the desired intentions fully.

  • Reflect on your fix
    Re-checking your problem-solving strategy is the last step in problem-solving techniques. Software Developers re-assess the clinicality for future reference and identify any improvement to apply.

3. Effective Project Management

 software developer 

A good software project meets the client’s requirements when well-managed and completed on time. A software developer has to organize a project to meet the targets set.
An organized project will give the developer an easy task in working on it due to a structured working program.

Project tasks are divided and allocated a certain amount of time and resources depending on clients’ agreement. Software engineers use project management tools to attain targets set by clients.

To avoid missteps and miscalculations, it is easy to provide an update while managing your work well. Management of software projects can lead to termination if not handled appropriately.

4. Mathematical Abilities

What is mathematical aptitude? Experts suggest that it is the basic knowledge of math operations used to solve math problems. It can be very challenging for a software developer without arithmetic concepts to solve calculation challenges.

Some software requires a combinational approach to attain the functions. Algorithms operating under discrete data are examples of codes needing math qualities. Moreover, discrete math and calculus are a course requirement for software engineering.

Covering complex systems, math techniques like algorithms, and data structures are important abilities to use in writing efficient codes.

5. Good Communication skills

Software developers often collaborate, agree, and contribute to any combined task or project. When working together, developers distribute different roles to achieve a desired goal.

For this kind of operation, communication skills are crucial at every point. To keep you in check and make sure everyone is on the same point verbal, visual, and physical actions should be applied.

In each development cycle point, developers have to update the concerned parties. You can find that the people updated have no clue about software development but with good communication skills, there will be a mutual understanding.

6. TeamWork

The leader software engineer has the role of assigning his junior developers to different project tasks. Each developer should cooperate and provide the required results.

All individual tasks are combined, resulting in one complete project through combined effort. The results determine the teamwork put in place by the group. Working together as a team utilizes a combination of ideas contributed by each developer.

7. Software Development Life Cycle

The software development life cycle is a systematic flow of work software developers apply to get the most accurate software development.
What are the six stages of an SDLC?

Software developer

The software development process typically includes the following phases:

(i). Requirements Gathering

The first step is to gather and document the software requirements. It involves understanding the needs of users or clients and defining the functionality and features the software should have.

When a user requests software, there are operation functions he expects when the software is ready for use. A good developer should gather the resources and tools needed to attain the request.

At the same time, the software developer has to analyze how he can convert the requirements to software. Software engineers have to document the requirements for reference and follow-up in the development process.
To achieve this step, programmers gather information through the techniques below.

  • Interviews
  • Survey
  • Brainstorming
  • Analysis

(ii). Design

Once the requirements are known, software designers create a detailed design for the software. It is the architecture, data structures, algorithms, and user interface.

This is the point where codes implement ideas for results. Software developers propose the kind of language efficient for implementation. The front-end development is the first approach to provide a foundation for the back-end development.

  • Front-end Software Development

Front-end software development comprises a main layout known as a User Interface.
The user interface is an interactive, visual, and function-responsive software display. As a software developer, you can design, arrange, or style up elements making up your User Interface.

It informs the user of the features and links the user and the software engine. Languages used to develop the front end include HTML, CSS, and XML markup. A designer who focuses on front-end development is referred to as Front-end Developer.

  • Back-end Software Development

Back-end software development comprises the function-driving unit of software. The application programming interface, which is the main engine of an application, ensures the functions perform appropriately.

Also known as the server side of an application, the back-end development works behind the scenes upon user request.
Back-end developers use engineering mechanisms to build APIs and databases to power up the front end.
Languages used to develop the server-side include:

  • Java
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Javascript

(iii). Testing

The objective here is to make sure the technical and components meet expectations. Various tests involve security, compatibility, stress, performance, and accessibility.

Software developers make sure the components do not break when working together. They also identify any miscommunication, broken links, and corrupt data at this phase.

(iv). Implementation

This phase works when developers conclude designing, testing, and operating in the client’s hands. The first approach here is to deploy the software in the target location.

Within the production environment, the designers check on its credibility. The first stage is to execute the application, monitor the operation sequence, and analyze the controls.

At this juncture, designers identify any function gaps and malfunctions. The user layout should correspond with the actual code during the implementation phase. 

(v). Maintenance

After the software developers deploy the software to the target platform, users use the product while ensuring it’s working well. When any ongoing support and updates are necessary, it’s at this level that developers handle the need.

This phase works over some time and is a continuous practice. Factors like working conditions and software requirements change and affect the application performance. The objective is to ensure the software does not lose its purpose and impact in the market.

                       Software Development Life Cycle Tools

The software development life cycle operates under limited allocated time. Cooperation and teamwork might be vital but may not be enough to produce the expected results on time. To accelerate software production, software developers perform some tasks with the help of software tools.

What are software development lifecycle tools?

SDLC tools are automated software programs that help developers with critical and time-consuming tasks during the development life cycle phases. The tools make developers’ work manageable and more accurate. Life cycle tools perform different tasks with easy modes of arrangement, making a project organized. To understand more, below are the categories depending on their purposes.

  • Project management tools
    Management tools keep the developers on track with their time, identify changes developers make in a project, and organize tasks efficiently. Another role they play is to provide guidelines and suggestions on how to approach your work. A report about a team’s performance and current situation of your work is available through these tools.
    Examples of management tools include:
    a). Jira
    b). Microsoft project
    c). Trello

    d). Click up

  • Code Review tools
    When one developer receives code from a colleague, he checks on them before adding them to the main project. The software serving this purpose allows changes or improvements while on review. Tools used in this section include
    a). Bitbucket
    b). Github

    c). Crucible

  • Software Testing tools

    Testing tools check on the credibility and performance of software. Project handlers test operations and functions to identify any left-out agenda or malfunction. They execute the application under different working conditions and analyze the results. Involved parties examine the outcome while checking performance like efficiency, accuracy, human error, and consistency.

  • Security tools
    Unintended concerns negatively affecting the software are spotted here. A common issue tackled here is the loss of application data and unauthorized access. Software developers review the codes to spot threats like bugs and malware.
    Examples of security scanning tools include
    a). Bugzilla
    b). Jira
    c). Redmine
    d). mantisTB

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8. Operating Systems

Operating systems are managers of computer resources and other vital programs. Examples of the mentioned resources include CPU, data storage, input and output devices, computer memory, and network connections. 

They configure computer hardware and ensure programs run effectively. Examples of Computer operating systems include Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Ubuntu. On mobile devices, Android and iOS are the major operating systems. Software developers need to know about these systems and, depending on their preferences, specialize in one.

Multi-Platform Software Abilities

Every software developer has to create software applicable to all software platforms. Different programmers are comfortable in developing software through different operating systems.

Any end-product design should capture all users of the all-operating software platform. Any application developed under Windows OS should run on Linux, Mac, Ubuntu, and any other OS. This concept is also applied when a programmer develops an Android mobile app, which is expected to have an Apple version of it.

Each operating system above has unique features and characteristics of operation. It further informs us that User Interface instructions differ in conjunction with the use of development tools required. This forces software developers to design different applications for each operating system. What is the role of the operating system in software development?

(i). Execution Environment: The operating system provides a platform on which applications operate. It uses component resources like processors and networks to collaborate with an application code to provide a complete working condition.

(ii). Development Environment: Development tools like code editors, debuggers, and version control used by software developers only operate under operating systems. It is through the OS that the software developer can access them.

(iii). Resource Management: As the manager of resources, the operating system allocates CPU time, memory, etc, which applications utilize when running. Since the resources are limited and on-demand, in a situation where an application developed gets limited access, there is a negative effect on the app’s performance.

(iv). Compatibility and Portability: There are situations where developers design applications targeting a particular operating system. On the other hand, app designers can use cross-platform frameworks suitable for merging with multiple operating systems. Depending on the above situations, the operating system establishes compatibility to determine the condition set.

(v). Security and Permissions: Operating systems apply defense mechanisms in protecting applications, their data, and system components from revoked access. At the same time, the OS prevents viruses and any other threats. 

(vi). File System Support: When software developers create and write codes, they store codes and work samples in file systems. The operating system manages the file system to make it available for programmers. 

How can I improve my software development skills?

You cannot absorb software development tactics at once, but how often you practice your skill sets makes you better day by day. First, understand basic concepts applied in every skill set, recheck, review, and eventually, the knowledge becomes familiar.

Check on the current trend practices developers apply to stay in line and ensure you put them into practice. Organized research from various sources is the best approach to improving your career level.

There are different sources from which you can learn from, and they include,

  • Ebooks
  • Tutorials
  • Videos
  • Internet

Do not forget to access work samples from various developers and compare them with what you can come up with. A lot of programming languages are open-source declared. As you gain knowledge with time, you can edit work samples from others, to improvise and come up with a unique idea.

Always have somewhere to refer from, just in case you get stuck with practice. Chances are someone somewhere must have encountered similar challenges. Community forums available over the internet plus attending seminars help a lot since it’s a one-on-one interaction.

Patience is necessary in this career since improving your skills is continuous. Meanwhile, you can specialize in a specific area like web development, mobile app development, graphic designs etc. Learn the problem-solving techniques applied in these areas to be more creative.

Ensure you document your progress to cover a wide area and learn more.

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