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Grok AI: What they never tell you


Introduction to Grok AI

XAI company has unveiled a new chatbot, Grok AI. What is it really about? Similar to ChatGPT, Grok AI can generate texts and converse with users. It is a new addition to the competitive world of Artificial Intelligence. Released in November 2023, the AI chatbot is available to users with a paid subscription. According to Elon Musk, the Grok chatbot is unveiling new possibilities in the generative AI space and is a direct competitor to ChatGPT. 

Technology Behind Grok AI

Grok AI is powered by xAI, a start up founded by Elon Musk. XAI company trained Grok-1 using custom tech stack-based software management systems called Kubernetes. They also used the machine learning framework JAX and coding language Rust to train the 63 billion parameter model Grok-1. These technologies enabled xAI to develop GrokAI faster than other chatbots. 

When training it, developers synchronize computations across thousands of GPUs for months to understand all the failures that come with it. To tame these challenges, they identify every type of failure through custom distributed systems. The decision to settle on the Rust coding language is because it offers scalable, reliable, and maintainable infrastructure. It has a rich ecosystem with good performance and can prevent common bugs mainly found in distributed systems. With a small team, modifying Rust code offers running programs lasting for months under minimal supervision.

Its technology heavily relies on deep learning while utilizing many layers of neural networks. These neural networks are created to imitate the ability of the human brain to recognize patterns and make connections. This technique enables Grok AI to understand large amounts of data at a high speed. These large amounts of data originate from the internet, specifically from scientific reports and Wikipedia articles. They power the chatbot with the ability to grasp complex questions and respond accurately and with relevant context. 

Grok AI also uses Natural Language Processing technology to analyze the Human language and formating it to a language a machine can understand. The analyzing process includes steps like tokenization, parsing, and semantic analysis. These steps enable the chatbot to understand phrases and words, bridging the gap between human and machine communication.

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Capabilities of Grok AI

Grok AI offers two interaction styles, the “Fun Mode” and the “Regular Mode.” The fun mode operates under leisure scenarios with humorous personalities. The regular mode is more accurate, with less contradicting information. This chatbot answers questions that most other chatbots ignore, no matter how harmful they are. For instance, author Sharon Gai supported this statement by stating, “Grok will probably say ‘yes’ to a lot more jobs that you give it.” Moreover, Elon Musk shared a screenshot of the chatbot answering a cocaine question for education purposes. The screenshot illustrated a step-by-step guide to making cocaine, plus a warning for these actions.

According to its developers, it is the only AIOps solution to eliminate the time and effort you require to handle administrative tasks. You no longer need cookbooks, toolkits or even CMDBs to achieve your tasks with Grok AI. If you generate codes with it, you can directly open them via the Visual Studio Code Editor. This ability will benefit organizations with such duties since it provides insights and eases the burden of manual efforts.

Unlike its competitors, Grok AI can access information in real-time from xAI and X(Twitter) and responds to questions with rebellious answers. Moreover, the chatbot suggests what questions to ask, draft emails, and debug code. Furthermore, the chatbot handles multiple queries simultaneously, enabling you to toggle between those answers. 

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How is Groak AI different from ChatGPT?

Grok AI and ChatGPT are technologies under Artificial Intelligence with similar purposes but different ideologies. For clarification, let us go through these differences. They are,

  1. Free Speech: Grok AI can answer almost any question you ask, unlike ChatGPT. You are more likely to have freedom of expression when using Grok AI since its response acquires human-like behaviour. According to OpenAi, its new release, ChatGPT4, is 82% likely to ignore disallowed content. It includes responding to harmful, toxic, and illegal information. This difference comes because of these two platforms. ChatGPT responds in a PC way, while Grok AI responds with a human-like character.
  2. Real-Time Information Access: Grok development comes with real-time access to X posts. It is the only AI-generating tool with this feature. Unlike ChatGPT, where the free version can only access updated information until January 2022, Grok can access posted current events. This feature also enables Grok AI to converse about these real-time events. Moreover, it can display these posts directly to support where it gets this information from. Despite this great attribute, an investigation conducted by xAI suggests Grok eliminate the inaccuracy about the current events and verify any conspiracy theories.
  3. Functioning Skills: ChatGPT took a long time to train, enabling it to respond to a large number of requests. Because of this, it offers robust chatbot features that are suitable for various industrial models. As for Grok AI, it meets the latest technology abilities. For instance, Grok integrates into existing xAI ecosystems and companies connected to Elon Musk. On the other hand, the OpenAI release, ChatGPT4, can generate both texts and images. Currently, Grok AI can only handle text generations, with xAI stating that they will equip it with visual and audio abilities in future.
  4. Accessibility: ChatGPT3.5 has free access, while the upgraded version of ChatGPT4 is accessible at a fee. These platforms are available for any user through the OpenAI API. Moreover, they can integrate, enabling you to use them for various purposes and applications. As for Grok AI, currently in the beta stage, you can only access it after it is through with this stage.
  5. Data Training: Grok AI utilizes an amount of information from different sources like websites, books, code resources and articles. Therefore, it creates a broad knowledge and understanding of diverse language patterns. Its AI tutors train in specific domains, and by interacting with them, it acquires more knowledge and improves its performance. ChatGpt has a massive pre-trained dataset of texts and codes, which are the foundation of its knowledge. These datasets are static, and they never adapt to individual user interactions. Furthermore, it has limited knowledge expansion to make it learn from its interactions.
  6. Open Source Release: During March 2024, under the Apache 2.0 open source license, xAI released the Grok AI base model weights of its large language model. It included the network architecture of the 314 billion parameter Mixture-of-Experts model. The release allows other developers to build on the model, even for commercial purposes. To use the model, you can follow the given instructions at xai. The model details include,
  • A base model trained under large amounts of text information but not fine-tuned for any specific task.
  • A Mixture-of-Experts model that exhibits activation in 25% of its weights for each token.
  • Purely trained by xAI from scratch through a custom training stack on top of JAX and Rust.

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The Future of GrokAI

XAI is working on a new release of Grok1.5, which will be their first-generation multimodal model. They project it to process a wide variety of visual information, including documents, diagrams, charts, screenshots, and photographs. Its main purpose is to be an AI assistant to the real world by developing models that understand the real world. 


GrokAI creates a natural and engaging conversation with humans. It can help you quickly digest information by communicating across language barriers. Moreover, its abilities allow you to generate different forms of text content like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, and more. For additional information, feel free to comment on the comment sections below. For instance, what is your view on the real reason Elon Musk built GrokAI?


Is Grok-1 accessible freely by any user?

No, Grok-1 is only available to all users paying X subscribers.

How much is Grok-1 subscription?

Grok-1 has a subscription fee of $16 per month.

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